Expand your toolbox.
Protect and preserve your existing roadway infrastructure.
Proactive Road Management
As a public entity, roads may very well be your largest asset. There is an obligation, or commitment, to maintain that asset. As asphalt prices rise, more and more entities are looking to save money while also keeping the overall road network quality high. This is a trend happening at all levels. From the Federal and State levels down to individual Counties and Cities, there is a growing interest in pavement management.

Plan for the Future
Society expects accountability for investments. Imagine a world with less citizen complaints, less potholes and less budgeting problems. The same technological landscape that enables social media and instant communication also enables tools to make pavement management easier. Materials, processes, techniques and best practices are constantly changing and improving. Leverage new tools and different options to help you get in front of the issues you face. Proactive pavement managment allows you to plan your work, guard your budgets, and touch more roads each year.

Our Approach
Our program is designed to help you realize this future reality. First, we help you understand the current conditions of your entire road network by surveying your roads. From there, we work hand-in-hand to develop a plan that is unique for your road network. From choosing the appropriate treatments, to developing long-term budgets and moving into implementation. We walk with you through each step of the way.

Our Work
Civil-Link has surveyed over 4,300 miles of roadway in both urban and rural settings. We have the experience and capability to work with any size entity. We provide easy to use planning tools for your road network regardless of road material, condition, or network size. View your roads right from your desk. Use our intuitive, online tools to develop your budget and plan your yearly work schedules. Take your data to the field for inspection and implementation.